Vocabulary Section


Air Transport

Airport Artist name
00:00/ 00:10
Plane cabin Artist name
00:00/ 00:10
Security - Departure Lounge Artist name
00:00/ 00:10
Plane Classes Artist name
00:00/ 00:10
Types of flights (routes) Artist name
00:00/ 00:10
Types of tickets Artist name
00:00/ 00:10
Boarding pass Artist name
00:00/ 00:10

At the airport

Watch the video on the left and fill the information in the boarding pass on the right

train station announcement

Watch the video and fill in the missed words

Ladies and gentlemen, passengers. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the current rush hour and unreliable commuter service. We would like to remind all passengers check the updated timetable for the latest information on their train's ___________ and departure. For those of you calling for a running train, please be advised that there may be a ___________ in its arrival or a change in the standing ______________. We urge all _____________ to catch the next available train, as some services may be __________________ or delayed. If you have an ______________ or season ticket, please proceed to the platform and _______________ the train as soon as possible. For those of you waiting on the _______________, please remain patient as we announce any further ____________. If you need to purchase a ____________ ticket, please proceed to the ticket office for __________________. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time."

What we have just learned

Now you know

01. ​Now you know new words about transport

We have learned.... Can you say them?

02. ​Now you know the sentences with words. Can you say them?

Say, please

03. Now you know how to create your own sentences

Give your own exam​ples with new words

Image from Freepik

choose the Right way