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Языковой центр Планета Знаний

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Ответы на картинки: порядок слов в предложении
  1. The cat chases the mouse.
  2. She eats a piece of pizza.
  3. 8 flowers are colorful.
  4. The day is cloudy.
  5. Red cherry is delicious.
  6. It is big old Chinese car
  7. A girl sings at the concert.
  8. Will will arrive at the airport tomorrow
  9. He studies hard to pass the exam
  10. Peter catches the bus quickly
  11. It is golden clock
  12. It is old Italian car.

Present Simple, Present Continuous + State Verbs - Look up Murphy Units 1-4. There  are answers

grammar unit 1

place of Adverbs in the sentences

Fill in the adverbs, listen to the sentences and check

  1. I am  working on a new project (currently).
  2. She is studying the present continuous (at the moment).
  3.  We are going to the supermarket (right now)
  4.  It is raining (now). Take an umbrella.
  5.  Why are you criticizing me (always)?
  6.  Mary is going to a new school (next term). 
  7. What are you doing (this week)?
  8.  They are staying (still) . 
  9. I am taking a shower (at the moment).
  10.  He is interrupting me when I’m talking and I don’t like it (constantly)!
Present Continuous
00:00/ 00:10
  1. I always wake up at 6 am (always). 
  2. She goes to the gym after work (often).
  3.  We have dinner together at home (usually). 
  4. He forgets his keys in the car (sometimes).
  5.  They go to the cinema on weekdays (seldom).
  6.  I eat fast food (rarely).
  7.  She reads a book before going to bed (generally)
  8. He goes to the gym (every day).
  9.  We clean the house (every week).
  10.  I check my phone for messages (constantly).
Present Simple
00:00/ 00:10

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