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Communication: social compliments

We often pay unknown people compliments on social occasions.  Listen to the phrases and try to understand their meaning

sense of style
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sense of humor
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a beautiful voice
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small talk

watch, pay attention to style and tone, and tell about the main idea

The video  is about...  The main characters are...  It happens at ...(place)

a happy hour meeting with known colleagues

(less formal tone is used)

Jenny: Hi, I'm Jenny. It's nice to meet you!
Alice: Hi Jenny, I'm Alice. The pleasure is all mine! How are you finding the Happy hour networking event?
Jenny: I must say, it's been great so far. I've met some interesting people. What about you?
Alice: Oh, I absolutely agree. Networking events like these always bring together some of the best professionals. I noticed you mentioned you work in the law field. That's impressive! What area of law are you specializing in?
Jenny: Thank you, Alice. I'm glad you think so. I work as a corporate lawyer, mainly focusing on mergers and acquisitions. How about you? What brings you to the law field?
Alice: That's fascinating, Jenny. I must say, corporate law is an intricate field. I work as a criminal defense attorney. It can be quite challenging, but I find it incredibly rewarding. Your expertise in mergers and acquisitions would definitely be valuable to many companies.
Jenny: Thank you, Alice. I appreciate your kind words. It's always wonderful to meet someone who appreciates the complexities of the law field. I can only imagine the dedication and skill required for criminal defense work. It's truly admirable.
Alice: Thank you for your kind words, Jenny. It's always encouraging to meet like-minded professionals at events like these. We truly are fortunate to be a part of such a dynamic and challenging industry.
Jenny: Indeed, Alice. It's moments like these that remind me why I chose this profession. Speaking of which, do you have any tips for successful networking or any other events that you recommend attending?
Alice: Absolutely, Jenny. I'd be happy to share some advice with you. Let's grab a drink and discuss further.
Jenny: That sounds wonderful, Alice. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you again for your kind words and genuine interest
Alice: The pleasure is mine, Jenny. Let's make the most of this networking event and continue to build connections in the law field.

What we have just learned

Now you know

01. You learned about social compliments...

How many do you know now?

02. You read about style and tone of small talk...

When should we use formal or less formal tone?

03. ​You watched the video about small talk...

Make up the dialogue like a small talk....

Image from Freepik

choose your way

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