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Языковой центр Планета Знаний

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Writing Section

Language School 

General rules

Написание это аспект языка и важная часть экзамена на получение языкового сертификата. Однако большинство не относятся к этой части тестов серьёзно и внимательно и совершенно зря. В отличие от русского языка, очень важно запомнить план каждого вида письменной работы, писать абзацы с красной строки, соблюдать стиль, знать фразы и соединяющие слова - linking words, знать как писать topic sentences и соблюдать требуемое количество слов. Подробнее

  1. Every peace of writing has its own plan and should contain exact amount of words.
  2. All sentences should be ​organized together in paragraphs
  3. All paragraphs should be ​organized together by a topic or a theme.
  4. In the passages should be examples of your ideas. 
  5. A paragraph should contain more than one sentence.
  6. A paragraph should start on a new line.
  7. A passage should start with a topic sentence, which reflects the main idea of the paragraph.
  8. All paragraphs should include linking words.
  9. You should choose the right tone and style of your writing
  10. Check your mistakes at the end.

Linking words

Beginning - greeting + 1st paragraph (mention a letter you received from a sender)

  1. Hi / Hello, (name) - Don`t write - Dear friend!
  2. It`s great news that you..
  3. It was fantastic to hear about...
  4. Thanks for your e-mail. It was great to hear from you
  5. Well done / Congratulations on (Verb - ing)...
  6. Many thanks for your letter
  7. It has been such a long time since we wrote to each other.
  8. How are things with you?
  9. That`s the best news I have heard in ages
  10. I` am sorry I have not written for a while/ I have not been in touch for so long / I have not been such a long time.
  11. I have a couple of questions.

2nd - 3rd paragraphs + ending

  1. 3rd Paragraph:
  2. I know you are keen to hear about ...
  3. You remember I told you about... in my last letter
  4. Well,
  5. Anyway
  6. You know that
  7. 4th paragraph:
  8. Anyway, I must go now.
  9. Write back soon.
  10. Once again, thanks so much for ...
  11. I am really looking forward to seeing you...
  12. Please, say `'hi' to (name) from me.
  13. Give my love to...
  14. Best wishes / All the best / Love, (name)

Are you Ready to write an e-mail?

Write e-mail - choose any topic, should be 100-140 words .

Let`s go ahead to the next

Choose where you go: to the webinar room or to the vocabulary section?

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