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Языковой центр Планета Знаний

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Vocabulary Section

Let`s learn new words!

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Vocabulary  Practice

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Describe pictures using new collocations and make up your own sentences

Dialogue: how girls learn languages...

Watch and listen and try to tell about the video using your own words

Image from Freepik

What we have just learned

Now you know new collocations

01. ​Now you know how to use them

We have learned.... Can you say some sentences?

02. ​You have read the story. Can you tell about it?

Tell it, please

03. You have watched some videos

Tell us what they were about....Shortly

Do you feel how your English has improved?

choose the Right way

Отправьте заявку на курс сейчас

Английская фонетика: учимся читать на английском языке
Учимся читать с настольными играми. Учимся читать - легко и весело! Настольные игры для детей и фонетика для детей английский. Начни с нуля и стань мастером чтения!
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